Wednesday, November 28, 2007
don't promise things you can't fulfil, don't say things you can't do.
i swear i am never ever going to eat beef steak in my whole entire life.
went to jack's place on sun with mom and bro.
and i gei kiang(act smart) went to order medium well(75%) steak when my mom told me that i wouldn't dare to eat.
so when the dish came, and i cut the steak with the knife, i saw blood squirting(not that exaggerating lah but i have no other words to describe) out of the steak and i wanted to puke.
the meat was red (like duh, its red meat), which made it look rawer than ever.
and yes, i gave the whole dish to my mom.
from today onwards, the only beef i would eat would be those in hamburgers where it is thoroughly cooked and well, grey(?) without the blood squirting out.
went to orchard and bugis ytd.
met agnes at gombak station, charmaine at yewtee and train-ed down to orchard.
many issues occurred, nothing to say.
watched Enchanted at cineleisure. while waiting, we walked from cine to heeren then back to cine again to look at havaianas.
partly was that i wanted them and partly was that my flats were killing me.
bought them at cine after the show.
Enchanted was really funny. esp when the chipmunk was imitating the princess and the other guy to the prince. definitely worth watching.
straight after the show, agnes told char to accompany her to the toilet while i said i wanted to look at the havaianas. actually i went to buy char's present; the eeyore toy while agnes kept her away.
her present took 3 whole wrapping papers to wrap! kua chang bo.
but she had to carry the present all the way to bugis and then back home.
sry lah. we couldn't find any other time to give you.
ate subway for dinner at fareast and i ordered tuna.
at the counter, i wanted 3 sauces in my sandwhich but the person said only 2 sauces allowed. like wtf?
since when were there such limitations?
all the other outlets are so lousy compared to the one in westmall.
for one, the staffs there are friendly, esp this skinny lady who always smiles.
two, they fulfil ALL your (mine, rather) requests.
there was once when me and trisillia ordered a footlong, and they even agreed on packing them and the cookies seperatly upon request.
AND, no such thing as "2 sauces only".
train-ed down to bugis.
went (window)shopping at bugis street. didn't buy anything.
hitched a ride home on char's cab with agnes. was only 9+ when i reached home.
what we could have been, 11:21 AM.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
was damn dulan with the bus driver.
he stopped his bus at the bus stop, came forward to me, in front of 10+ people, and asked me to tap my card again =.=
so i walked to the front w/o looking at the screen(so i thought it was ENTRANCE; meaning that it would be error cause i already tapped)
but instead came the OK sound(it was ENTRANCE/EXIT) and i looked bloody shocked.
it made me so paiseh lah! made the whole bus think that i didn't tap my card.
if this ever happens again, i would go to the exit and tap my card to show that i already paid the fare and shout to the uncle: "EXIT LAH!"
so angry!
but the shopping subsided my anger XD .
met trisillia at batok to go vivo.
wanted to order grandma's cake from westmall, but the prima deli had already closed down. so had to go to JEC's prima deli.
watched bratz at vivo, brought in starbucks coffee and donuts.
it was quite lame at the beginning but afterall, its kind of meaningful.
after the credits and all, they showed this:
and both of us were wondering why they're only featuring her.
went shopping! bought 2 mango tops and a forever21 bag.
wanted to buy the zara glitter flats but decided not too.
21st; 3E1 BBQ.
cycled in the rain the whole day.
luckily it was only drizzling when we BBQ-ed.
thanks to tasya who carried the umbrella to shelter me while BBQ-ing. <3
ms tang and ms tan came but left even before they ate.
jeline came but left before us as well. the pay as a camp instructor really isn't fantastic, but at least she likes being one.
mr loh stayed until the end and the guys learned a lot of physics stuff from him.
he drove 5 girls(yj, hui kai, tasya, shi ning and me) to batok mrt station and joked in the car while the rest took jess'(family) car.
22nd; Grandma's birthday.
lousy quality restaurant, even served us raw food and didn't bother replacing those eaten raw. just simply took the whole dish to steam again and came back with those untouched. the least they could do was replace everything.
posting pictures next time.
what we could have been, 3:59 PM.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
everybody is telling me to study hard,
even the wanton mee lady at the coffee shop.
my p4 cousin is in the GP (Gifted something Programme) and she is already studying sec1 social studies (do we even have SS when we were sec1?!)
clever people.
went for tuition then to ahma's house ytd.
boarded the train at Bukit Batok and at Yishun, then driver made an announcement that there were some problems and everybody had to alight at Ang Mo Kio.
there was already a train prepared and all of us had to get off the 1st train and board the 2nd train.
quite funny i guess. first time encountering this.
went swimming once i reached ahma's house.
did 40 laps of the pool.
was half-dead after the 25th lap.
ahma's birthday celebration on the 22nd nov.
i'm in charge of the cake. XD
what we could have been, 11:14 AM.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
choir ytd was horrible as well.
kept getting scolded by mr yiong.
thanks to trisillia who came early to help me spray my hair. =D
went to the office with trisillia to get her booklist.
and the julie person is so fucking _____.
she asked 1001 questions like : "all i know is that everybody has the booklist given out on the last day of sch, y do u not have?!",*"were u here on the last day?!", *"u don't even know whether u were here!"
* with intervals of phone calls which made us more pissed than ever.
so trisillia just said she lost it and after everything, the julie person asked us to ask from the bookshop because she had none in the office =.=
dulan lah! don't have still ask so many Qs, y don't u just fucking ask us to go to the bookshop?! u asked so many Qs for the mere purpose of venting ur anger on us!
and oh you bloody hypocrite, thanks for letting our parents know that our school office has such a wonderful and kind lady who speaks to the parents politely on the phone, just to turn your back and treat the students aka their child like shit!
walked to westmall with charmaine, liana and trisillia.
me and charmaine went to watch stardust while the rich people went to pizza hut.
we smuggled subway (yes i know, again?!) into the theatre and it was so difficult to eat lah!
for one, opening the sandwich would make a lot of noise which would be disruptive, so we had to open it S.L.O.W.L.Y.
two, i tried to make minimal noise that by the time i finished, the sandwich became cold.
three, we had to eat in the dark and the feeling of stuffing something you couldn't see wasn't very pleasant. and charmaine got her shirt dripped with the sauce! LOL.
the movie was great except for the sudden on-ing of lights right in the middle of the show and the freezing-cold air con but luckily i brought my jacket while charmaine was shivering. XD
what we could have been, 9:35 AM.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
3E1 bbq at east coast; check blog regularly for recent updates! we need confirmation asap. 2nd nov; friday
last day of school! had to get compasses and all the popular(s?) i went didn't even have the mechanical ones! decided to try my luck at the school bookshop and

tada! pink compasses!
went back to change then met trixie to get contact lenses.
the shops around westmall charged so expensive-ly that we decided not to buy.
met qian wen at gombak mrt as they were going to work.
decided to work with them but had to go for interview and training.
alighted at marsiling and i bought lenses there.
so much cheaper than westmall.
3rd nov; sat
met up with shi ning to go interview at toa payoh.
train-ed there and walked like siao just to find the library.
met trixie and qw at library but only me, shi ning and qw went to work place cos trixie wanted to watch Singapore Hits Award(SHA) at night.
went for interview and all, the person said she'd call us.
(but until now also never)
trixie waited in the library for me and shi ning while qw continued working.
bought munchy donuts to try out.
donuts are like the newest attraction nowadays and u have the missy/munchy/donut/wadever donuts all around s'pore which actually sells the same thing! so why do they have so many different names?! just like the roti papa/mama/boy/girl/ah ma/ah gong (ok ya, i added the last two :x) which sells coffee bread with butter and sugar inside.
all the SAME!
decided to go AMK hub cos me and trixie had never been there before.
but shi ning went home =(
shopped around (yes, carrying a box of donuts) and i bought a pair of earings.
ate subway for dinner and train-ed home.
trixie came to my house so that i could teach her how to put the lenses.
she tried for 30 mins + all the commercials during SHA and still couldn't put.
at last, i stuffed the lense into her eye.
she went home at around 11.
4th nov; sun
met liana, audrey, katherine and nicola at westmall for dinner.
went for Rockapella concert at esplanade with choir people.
it was fantastically fantastic!
had fun during the intervals.
5th nov; mon
choir practice at 9.30 am. (=.=)
was trying hard to keep awake for 3 hours.
went home and prepared to meet charmaine.
watched the Game Plan at cineleisure and i cried. (like, 3 drops?)
we wanted to walk to far east but we went took the wrong turn and ended at the other end of orchard.
our legs were hurting so we decided to take a cab
the cab fare came up to like !@#$%^&*
cannot believe lah! $2.50+$2(peak hour)+$1(CBD area. WTF?)+meter with 1001 traffic lights!
we stopped every 10 secs because of a traffic light!
i swear i could have walked faster! (if i didn't have blisters, that is. lol.)
anyway, bought trixie's present.
charmaine kana cheated lah! buy skinnies buy until so ex.
i didn't buy anything, surprisingly.
6th nov; tue
slacked the whole day.
watched 换换爱.
7th nov; wed
choir at 9am.
sang at the staff room for the teachers.
wasn't really good was horrible.
technically, we were supposed to sing songs to celebrate Deepavali but we sang carols instead.
but we had no Deepavali songs.
so me and trisillia came up with Deepavali songs (actually me with the lyrics and her with the 配唱)with the melody of "we wish you a merry christmas". LOL.
damn funny.
shadn't post the lyrics up in case it becomes offensive.
(but it really isn't offensive; no words like bangala for wadever.)
lunched at subway (again?!) with trisillia .
8th nov
went marsiling. and i dyed my hair!
quite expensive though, come to think of it now.
but i like the colour; copper red blonde.
(which means i have to spray my hair for choir practices)
9th nov
bombed trixie's telephone and handphone cos she wasn't awake yet.
went to POSB first before meeting charmaine and agnes at yew tee.
train-ed to orchard.
watched Bee Movie, wasn't as good as the Game Plan.
walked to far east (this time, the correct way) and i bought 3 belts and a custom-made cap!

chio right?!
ate dinner at LJS and saw Ms TanLB there as well.
couldn't recognise her at all.
continued shopping.
agnes found a trend; most of the shops (99%?) sell the same things. even the poster for the prices and the plastic bags are the SAME!
the only difference is the location of the shop and probably a 10cents difference in the price. =.=
went to the building beside wisma atria (paragon?) and charmaine bought her guess bag. $180. so expensive.
train-ed home with aching legs at 10, which means i missed Ghost Whisperer ='(
trixie kept playing with my cap in the train and did the "我是 rocker" thing.
damn embarrassing lah! all the aunties were looking at her.

neos; i hate my freakishly small eyes!
10th nov, sat
went for tuition then to ah ma's house to swim.
11th, sun aka today.
and no thanks for peeing on my bed this morning. =.=
what we could have been, 9:03 AM.